Deaconess Becky
Another great day of teaching and studied the Bible! Morning Bible study, we had everyone together and discussed Barnabas, Paul and Timothy. Also what it means to have the body of Christ in Ephesians 4. Then John S and I took the beginner group to another room and we studied Noah and the Ark, Abraham and Sarah, Cain and Abel, and Genesis 1:1-3 connected to 1 John 1:1-3. Finally, we got the TVs for their Bible studies and Sundays worship. That was a great news! Praying for their technology to work on their TVs. I give thanks to God for the great Bible studies today! Even thou the weather was very hot and humid here but all went well.
Vicar John Szupica
Pastor Reinke teach about Barnabas, Paul, and Timothy, and then he want those people to write down to make each person that work act like Barnaba, Paul and Timothy what they had doing and write down all the name that people name of list then make a group have them talk about each list people after that have lunch take break 2 hr. then start to make 2 different class so me and Becky start teach about Noah of Ark also about Abraham in deeper mean and those deaf people love it us the way teach in deeper so then after supper the man bring 2 new tv and set up then after have problem with WIFI seem not working so we feel down anyway tomorrow morning we will pray to see if WIFI work back.
Ghana Update for January 3, 2024
Today was very productive day. The best part was teaching Jesus Book (Bible) all day and answering a gazillion questions on Bible topics.
The biggest challenge we have right now is spiritual warfare! But one of the challenges that continues - other Christians in their teaching have added things to the Bible stories. So, the deaf people think this is what the Bible says and they continue to add things to the stories. Again, and again we ask “Where is that in the Bible?” We want our deaf to research, find answers, and see what God's Word really says.
It is a great joy when we see our deaf searching the Bible and wanting to understand. Wanting to do the best they can to share with other people. I am very impressed with the deaf leaders and their commitment to learning and understanding by its Word.
They are very excited about the new curriculum, and I think it will be an awesome resource for our deaf people both in America and internationally. I thank God for all the people who are helping to develop this material: from deaf people developing and editing the materials, for our tech people putting these materials online and making everything work, and for the MANY people testing and evaluating these resources!
THANK YOU, JESUS!! I thank God for all of you!!
Deaconess Becky
Finally got Tv to hook up with my laptop to show how the class start with like color picture and every step easy for us to use then write broad. Our group keep asking if we can go back to our class in the morning, I told will have the afternoon, so all our group people show up on time than yesterday. So today look same as yesterday. Food taste good but yesterday food so good not like United States the way is. Today my mood was good I very satisfied, weather is better than yesterday to hot cannot walk long outside cause sun are different then United States.
Rev. John Reinke
I give thanks to God for another new and successful day! Today was a very good day for both groups. We finally show the classroom curriculum on TVs. That was our goal for today. Both Ghanaians and the Liberians loves the visual pictures! It does really help them! The hot and humid weather does not stop us! John S and I continue to teach our beginner group with the curriculum on TV. Then we had them to practice and act it out the Biblical stories which was great! They continue to ask many questions.
Hard to believe that tomorrow will be one week that we have been here! Time fly.
Please continue to pray for the Lord to keep us in good health and give us strength to continue doing deaf ministry work.