We are writing to personally thank you for your prayers and support! We are finishing our third year of living on the road for full time training and equipping people and congregations for bringing the Deaf to see Jesus.
People ask us: “What is the place we like best?” Our response is often that the places all kind of blend together as we travel. But the people! We love the people we have met along the way.
Glenn, Calvin & Cindy who are deaf and meet with Pastor Reinke weekly to learn how to help lead worship and Sunday morning Bible study in a deaf church that does not have a full-time pastor.
One of the things that has surprised us the most is how many people (both deaf and hearing) think that Deaf people cannot teach and share about Jesus – because they are deaf. Duane thought that because he was deaf he could not teach others about Jesus. After two days of studying with us; he assisted with leading deaf worship. Seeing the look of pride, confidence and joy on his face was priceless.
The pastor we met who told us that they had not had Bible Study for six years because the Deaf were not interested. He said they were using hearing materials and was not working. We met with the group; worked together for two weeks. At the end of those two weeks they were asking for one more week. The Deaf loved our materials!!! The best part is that three years later they are still meeting and studying God’s Word together.
We have visited congregations who have a deaf ministry or would like to start one but, are unsure how to do it.
When we began this journey of living on the road to do full-time training we decided there were only two things we needed for us to continue:
- People wanting to be trained; and
- God provides the funds needed.
God has blessed us with financial gifts; but, we are finding that we need help. We do not charge anyone for conducting our workshops. We do ask for the hosting group to help us with our costs and expenses; but, it is not something that we demand. We depend on support from you – people with a heart for Deaf Outreach and are willing to financially support this Outreach. You are in our daily prayers. We thank God for you and your support.
Please pray for us and all the people God will bring for training in 2020. We thank God as He continues to work in the hearts and lives of His people. We pray He will continue to guide us and show us what He wants us to do.
God Bless you!!
John & Dacia Reinke