John Szupica
I fly to Africa for 15 hr with 2 stop, but total 24 hr in airport for wait so got safe at night and then got ride van, the ride was total traffic was busy for over an hr. then got there place to sleep and for supper we only had bread and butter for supper, dec 30 got up and my body had mix up to sleep cause we are 7 hr apart where I live, in Africa the weather were hot and humidity, sunny. Have meeting for what have plan to do today and tomorrow many more also I was teach young girl how read and she is doing good and happy.
Becky Catchpole
I give thanks to God for our safe arrival yesterday! It was a long flight. The weather in Ghana was very hot and humid compared to the last time. Today we did some planning and got ready for the week-long training. We had some deaf people that came today. Always a joy to see them again! I helped a deaf young lady to understand the creation by using 3 and 3 creation. The first three days are what God created the areas and the last 3 days are what God filled in the area. We had a wonderful dinner and fellowship in the evening!
Rev Dr Reinke
Why go?
This is a question people often ask me. You have enough to do in the U.S. why more? Dacia, my wife of 40 years, clarified this again for me before I left – she asked, “if not you, then who?”
Goals for this trip – Deaf Outreach training:
We are praying this will be a next step for our training.
1. We are introducing a new online training platform. Tests in U.S. very positive, now seeing how the classes will work overseas.
2. We will also be working to set up continuous online group training. We have individuals join us for training, but praying this time we will have set up continuous online training for Deaf groups. (Now checking the internet – frustrating!)
3. We are inviting people from surrounding countries to join us (Liberia is first!). Who are we looking for? If they have a heart for Deaf Outreach, are willing to become trained, and to train leaders in their home country.
Please pray with us.
Some firsts – good and challenging – Thanking God and asking for help!
First time Deaf from Liberia join us for training.
First time this team in Ghana in January
First time team is meeting in Europe, not U.S.
First time Pastor Palmer not with us
First time using the new platform for Deaf Outreach Training