The last two weeks were awesome! I give thanks to God for everything to work it out. Today was a sad day to see some of them leave for home. I’m going to miss them! We continue to teach some more Bible stories this morning and answer any final questions that they have for us. Afternoon was cleaning it up and prepare for tomorrow departure. Tonight, we saw a black scorpion and a huge snail! I haven’t seen scorpion in my life, but it was fun to watch it. We need your prayers for our safe trip and join our families back home! Thank you for your prayers!
Vicar John Szupica
Today is last day missionary, I miss those people and I very enjoy with them teach and followship God always with us, they want us to come back again. Hope they will study and teach and help each other without us they are improvement their homework I want to thank God doing all the work and help us the plan missionary and God always good to us. So now we ready to pack all thing to box and tomorrow ready to go at airport.