Today is good day enjoy teach deaf people about Law and Gospel try to make them more understand so after lunch our group show up on time but the class is sunny and hot day, Becky and I teach more deeper about Law and Gospel after that one of our group leader teach them and use tv with laptop we watch they teach and they doing very well, I knew God is with us amen.
Deaconess Becky
I give thanks to God for the technology that we can show visual pictures on their TVs! Deaf Ghanaians and the Liberians loves it! We had great discussion about the Law and Gospel. We had a couple verses that almost everyone wrote it down and start practicing to memorize verses. Then beginner group worked on the 1000 Questions and one challenge was that they wanted to know what name of the angels was placed at the Garden of Eden. They had to help each other and searched the answer for it! It was great to see them work and help each other as a team. Continue praying for their faith to grow. God is good!