Webster’s Dictionary tells us that this word means conscious of a benefit received. This ministry IS truly thankful for each and every one of you and the prayers you’ve given on our behalf and also the monetary gifts you have given and sent!
With this newsletter it is a good time to let you know how we are doing financially. Following is a brief view of the last 12 months. The amount needed to cover ‘just the basics’ of this ministry comes to a little over $14,000 EACH month. This includes salary for our 2 dedicated Pastors, the Federal and State taxes needed for payroll, Concordia Plans (insurance/retirement), as well as Workman’s Comp insurance. The average received per month over the past 12 months comes to about 66% of what is needed for ‘just the basics.’
We are so thankful that the South Wisconsin District - The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has given Deaf Ministry a monthly grant that covers the Concordia Insurance Plans for both of our Pastors. The mission gifts you prayerfully put in your weekly offering envelopes has allowed for this gift of help from our District.
I wish the report was better, however this is what the figures add up to be. We depend on your gifts given prayerfully and thoughtfully. Statistics show that between 95-98% of all Deaf people do NOT know Jesus as their Savior. This is not acceptable. We must get this important message out. Please help us continue this vital specialized ministry.
We want all people to know true thankfulness: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 118:1
Linda Ault
WLDO Secretary/Financial Officer