Greetings from Liberia!
Today I scared a lot of babies!! Some of the hearing pastors brought their young children to church. Whenever I get too close they begin to cry!! A young girl in America one time said I “was scary, but nice” :)
But one young boy, Amos, was very scared when I first arrive at the house. I was staying in “his” area. Why should this white guy be living in his house?? But now we have become the best of friends. He always comes to greet me. He sits down and shares my food with me. We don’t understand a word each other says, but we are having a great time!
We have no electricity since I arrived, well, one time we did have for about 4 hours. Once in a while they use a generator, but that is very expensive. But I really appreciate bishop Bolay and his family for welcome me into their home. I have learned so much as I get to see the Liberian way of life and all that happens.
Classes with the Deaf again are fantastic. They have so many questions and want to learn. Yesterday we needed to stop this afternoon at 4 because it was time to eat and several of them became upset because they wanted to go longer! (they arrived at my door at the house at7:30 in the morning). So I promised them we could continue discussion during supper time. We did until dark at 6 pm:) Today we were able to go until 5:30.
Please pray for the Deaf as they travel. I think the traffic is worse than last year. It took us over an hour to get back from a short trip last night. But also pray for one young couple with two boys. They have both had malaria for several months. We are sending people to buy them malaria medication and I pray that will help in healing them.
Some interesting/cool things I have learned:
They use a refrigerator for an oven to bake the bread.
If you have bread, you have not eaten. (they see bread as only a “snack”)
They use floor linoleum on their ceilings for cool look.
We use good smelling ant and bug spray every day!