They asked very specific questions about how and why the Bible and their faith means for their daily life. Today was Deaconess Catchpole’s first full day of teaching and I know it was hard understanding and working in a new language and a new culture.
Please pray for us as we tried to share God's word in a way that deaf people here will understand and be able to share with others. Several people have shared with us that life and Liberia has become much harder as the economy is not as good as in the past. I thank God for our deaf people that they are all working together, and they want to continue spreading the gospel. We have several that are having their own training with deaf and helping them to understand about life but also about Jesus.
I want to thank all of you who have given to support World Lutheran Deaf Outreach and help to support this training. We help to pay for the
transportation and food for the deaf people while we are in the workshop and without your support this would not be possible. Many of the deaf are so excited to see us after 2 years and they thank God for the studying and training we are able to do together
- Please pray for the deaf and the travel that God would keep all of us safe
- Please pray for the many that fall who are neglected and several that we met who cannot read.
We have one new Muslim girl coming to class and she is talking about wanting to become baptized and be Christian. Plus several Jehovah Witness deaf are coming. They are studying and talking about it means to be baptized and be Christian. Becky was saying there is so much to do and we need more people to come help us! I agree and I hope we can ask and more people will say they are willing to learn and come and help do the training with us.
Thanking God for all his gifts and his love for us and for his people!