It was a sadly joyous day for us at Accra, Ghana where we have been meeting at Concordia Theological Lutheran Seminary to train deaf students for work in the field of harvesting souls that Jesus has won. We were sad to say goodbye but happy to have the opportunity to share in God’s abundant word. The life saving Gospel is always worth meeting and discussing.
The deaf did many memory verses. I was astonished at some of their Signing of long and hard verses to remember! Who says the deaf can’t memorize? Wow! It was great to see. The deaf of Liberia and Ghana did heaps of homework and well on tests. Many of them struggled but were happy and joyous at the end to have learned.
All the deaf want to go back home and tell other deaf the Good News that Jesus has died on the cross and has come back to a glorious life that we might die to sin and become born from above! Many deaf wanting to lead, teach, and tell everything about Jesus and his wonderful love. One of the goals is to have the deaf come from all over Africa and meet to train and equip themselves for the Lord’s call to ministry. The deaf Lutherans are working on it! I can vow to it! Praise God! Goodbye everyone see you next year and for God’s glory! Amen!