Deaf people are asking for training! Not only here in the United States; but also in other countries! We are planning trips to Liberia, India and Australia to help train others to bring deaf people to see Jesus. We will not only be training with the Deaf people; but also with hearing Pastors and others involved with Deaf Ministry. We want to equip as many people as possible to share the Great News about Jesus with Deaf people in every country! Liberia and India will be with new groups of Deaf people who want to become trained and equipped to become leaders and prayerfully in the future Pastors and Deaconesses. In Australia we will be working with the ONE Deaf Lutheran Pastor to introduce him to the training materials, practice with his Deaf people, and work with preparing future Pastors working with the Deaf people. We have also been invited to a nationwide gathering of deaf events to show others about the ABCD training materials. Our goal is to raise $5000 for each person going. This will cover airfare, visa, etc… Plus we want to purchase Bibles and other study materials to bring with us. Any funds we bring with us that are not needed for food, lodging, and travel in the country are giving to the Deaf people for the printing/copying of the materials. This way they can continue the training of more Deaf people and Leaders. We must raise all our own funding for these overseas possibilities. Please pray and share this with others and ask them to support Outreach in His Kingdom. We trust is God wants us to go He will provide the funds. |